A Journey to Pai: Reflection, Connection, and Growth as a Family

As 2024 draws to a close, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year—on its joys, challenges, and lessons. For parents, this time can also be an opportunity to consider what we value most as a family. This weekend, we embarked on a 4hrs drive from Chiang Mai city [...]

A Journey to Pai: Reflection, Connection, and Growth as a Family2024-12-23T22:11:57+08:00

My 1st Year in Chiang Mai Thailand: An Unforgettable Adventure with My Family!

10th December 2023, we packed and moved with 17 bags and luggage with a one - way ticket to Chiang Mai Thailand, beginning our journey of freedom as a family! Time flies when you're living an adventure. It's already ONE YEAR but it feels like just yesterday that my family [...]

My 1st Year in Chiang Mai Thailand: An Unforgettable Adventure with My Family!2024-12-10T11:15:51+08:00

Facilitating family sessions in Chiang Mai this vacation!

I just came back today after facilitating a session for a family here in Chiang Mai! Had lots of beautiful sights and lovely experiences throughout the day even for myself! After a long journey up to the peak, we made it! Chiang Mai is an ideal destination for [...]

Facilitating family sessions in Chiang Mai this vacation!2024-11-03T23:06:27+08:00

Pioneering AI and the Solution Focused Approach in Coaching Supervision and Practice

I’m thrilled to share the journey of exploring new horizons in the coaching industry, especially with the exciting development of the Snowflake Coaching System together with Algebratek. As someone passionate about harnessing technology and innovation for personal and professional growth, I’m eager to pioneer and experiment with integrating Artificial Intelligence [...]

Pioneering AI and the Solution Focused Approach in Coaching Supervision and Practice2024-10-07T12:15:56+08:00

Is martial arts training suitable for your child?

In my journey practising and learning martial arts over the last 6 months, I've also reflected and observed how it has shaped and changed my own boys who are learning it together with me too! So if you are a parent, thinking about what it be like introducing another activity [...]

Is martial arts training suitable for your child?2024-07-18T20:09:43+08:00

A New Season

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post! I’ve been through lots of transitions and changes in the last few months in my life, family and professionally. Am excited to share and update you about some of these changes here. Location The first major change is the [...]

A New Season2024-05-29T16:20:26+08:00

Solution Building – A Much Needed Skill For Parents with Challenging Youth

In the last few days, I was running a training workshop for professionals who are interested to learn more about the Solution Focused Approach and apply it to youth behaviours and issues that are commonly faced. Sometimes some of these problems can be recurring over a long period of time [...]

Solution Building – A Much Needed Skill For Parents with Challenging Youth2022-11-08T20:19:35+08:00


Hi Everyone! In this post, I'm sharing with everyone some exciting options where you can increase your level of competency, knowledge and skill as you continue to interact with youth in various settings as a professional social worker, youth worker, mentor or parent! So do read on below to see [...]

It’s TIME to STEP UP our KNOWLEDGE!2022-11-01T08:27:01+08:00

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