Updates & Happenings2020-12-18T13:29:39+08:00
2512, 2020

What is Christmas to some people?

December 25, 2020|Categories: My Updates|Tags: |

Am sharing some thoughts after a visit to a family today. Today it's Christmas Day where everyone else is in a celebratory mood but it's interesting to know that not everyone is experiencing the same thing. What was interesting in the time spent with this family is that things and [...]

2812, 2020

Special Sharing Series on Sports Performance!

December 28, 2020|Categories: My Updates|

Hi Everyone! Fitness and sports is one area of my passion! So do check out my 1st sharing session of 2021 where I will have a special invited speaker from Dexafit Asia to touch on the subject of physiological and fitness testing! I believe that it is important to train [...]

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